
Snoozifier provides the ability to "snooze" an email thread so that it automatically returns to your inbox at a specified time. The benefit of this is that you can set a snooze time, then archive that thread so that the thread is out of your inbox until the snooze elapses. Although Gmail does provide built-in snooze functionality it is not as flexible as Snoozifier.

You can access Snoozifier at After accepting the permissions you will see a page explaining how to use Snoozifier.

Snoozifier requires the following permissions. You can read our full Privacy Policy here.

  1. View and modify but not delete your email - This is general access to Gmail and needed to snooze the messages. Snoozifier does not read or alter the contents of your emails.
  2. View your calendars - This is needed to detect what timezone you are in so snoozed emails are woken at the correct time.
  3. Connect to an external service - This is used to log statistics of how many people are using Snoozifier. No personal information is logged.
  4. Allow this application to run when you are not present - This is needed to run the timers that check if snoozed emails need to be woken.